Winter is a very difficult time for asthma patients in Bangladesh.
During this time, asthma patients develop asthma for a variety of reasons.Among the reasons worth mentioning are: Winter cold and chilly weather, dry air, dust flying in the air, and dust in the furniture while cleaning the house.
Also during this winter there are colds, coughs, viral infections and the flu. Any of the above infections can exacerbate the problem of asthma patients.
Therefore, patients with asthma need to be prepared in advance during the winter. How an asthma patient should prepare in advance for winter asthma. The 6 points are mentioned below:
- Asthma patients need to be vaccinated against pneumonia and flu in early winter.
- In the beginning of winter, consult with your doctor about the dose and medication of the inhaler. Also, if someone has a stock of other medicines, including inhalers, at home, check the expiration date.Some people use nebulizers at home. They will also check the nebulizer to see if it is OK.
- 3.Covid-19 is constantly appearing in front of us with new types.As such, respiratory patients are at higher risk for coronavirus.Asthma patients so needed Social distance should be maintained, hand washing should be done and important issues like wearing a mask should be emphasized.
- Many go out for walks in the morning and evening.Asthma patients need to change their walking time during this time of winter.Dew, fog fall in the morning and evening. Moreover, there are many differences in temperature at this time.In this case, the risk of catching a cold increases gets.So choose a sunny time for walking and exercising.
- If, in case of emergency, you have to go out in the morning or in the evening. Then wear suitable warm clothes and keep a muffler and hat with you which will protect you from the cold wind.Asthma increases when many people wear woolen clothes. In that case, they will wear cotton clothes that can ward off the cold.And do not walk barefoot on the floor.
- The dry climate of winter has a lot of dust.So when you go out, use a mask and be careful.
Many times patients with asthma have a sudden increase in shortness of breath.In this case, follow the following rules:
- There is nothing to panic about if there is a sudden increase in shortness of breath.Ask the patient to sit up straight.
- Use spacer.You have to breathe through it five times with one pressure each time through the spacer.In this way, you have to breathe 25 times with five pressures.In many cases, children and adults take medication instead of breathing.So in the case of children and the elder, notice if the medicine is inhaled properly.
- If shortness of breath increased, wait 5 minutes and rest.After that, if the shortness of breath does not decrease then breathe with pressure 5 more times.Thus a total of 25 times the pressure can be taken.
- If nails, tongue, and fingers turn blue and can’t talk, or lose consciousness due to breathing problems.Then the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.In addition to the use of nebulizers in this case, There is a need to use a medical oxygen cylinder or an oxygen concentrator.